Living Legacy Forest
Wellington Dam, WA
Stand tall among the giant Jarrah’s of the Wellington Dam Legacy Forest and be part of a community creating a tranquil forest at Wellington Dam. Instead of visiting a grave to mourn, the family can visit your tree and connect with the beauty your life created.
Leaving a Legacy
Rest among the rich fauna of Wellington Forest. Planting a Legacy tree rebuilds the habitat and helps to protect the beautiful endangered species endemic to the region, such as the quokka and Carnaby’s black cockatoo.
In the heart of nature and teaming with wildlife, it is a memorial forest within a forest, an idyllic resting place for ourselves and our loved ones . Ashes are treated and planted with your chosen tree to become part of a place everyone can enjoy.
Rest at the gateway to the south west. The Wellington Dam Memorial Forest is an easy drive from Perth and perfectly located en route to WA’s stunning South West region.
Located in Wellington Dam, National Park
Experience the rich flora and fauna of the iconic area Wellington Dam for yourself and choose your memorial tree and enjoy a visit to the Living Legacy Forest.
Become a tree at Wellington Dam
Here, in this Living Legacy Forest, specially treated ashes are planted with your tree of choice, to live on for generations to come.
This means that you can:
- Choose from around 3 native trees.
- Plant advanced trees with success (trees are between 1 and 2 metres tall)
- Infuse more than one person’s ashes in the same tree. In fact, you can create your own family tree.
- Have a healthy tree that will thrive for it’s natural lifetime, in the perfect location that becomes part of creating a beautiful place for future generations to enjoy.
In perpetuity your tree live in this Living Legacy Forest and your memory lives on.
Pre-plan or Planning for Someone Else?
Choose to be part of your own tree-planting day now, or considering a memorial tree for the ashes of loved ones – the perfect opportunity to rest your loved ones ashes.
Be part of this extraordinary memorial forest and reserve your tree today
We are happy to answer any questions you have. You can call a Wellington Dam Legacy Planner on (08) 6010 4010 or click the button below to request more information. We also welcome you to make a private appointment for an on-site visit.
Your Gift to People, Place & Planet
For every Living Legacy tree planted, an additional 200 trees will be planted locally and abroad. This offsets the impact of cremation & gives back more air than a person breathes in a lifetime.