Be part of a community creating a tranquil forest at the botanical memorial garden in Mornington Green. Instead of visiting a grave to mourn, family can visit your tree and connect with the beauty your life created.
“A sip of water from the Holy Grail is no longer the only path to eternal life thanks to Living Legacy Forest.”
What if people’s ashes were inside beautiful forest trees and we could connect to the beauty of those trees that were created from ashes of those we’d lost? What if people’s ashes and their spirit could live on with trees?
The myth is that human ashes are the same as wood ashes and are good for nature. The truth is untreated cremation ashes have the same pH as bleach and oven cleaner and are proven to cause lasting harm to soil and tree health.
Untreated ashes contain extremely high levels of salt, phosphorous and pH level that are not only disruptive to the sensitive chemical and biological balance of soils but also inhibit plant growth and correlate to other environmental issues such as salinity, eutrophication, and acidity.
The Living Legacy formula is proven to work on a wide range of soil types and a broad range of Australian native and exotic European trees. Our treatment promotes an environmentally preferable solution to the burial of cremated loved ones.
Warren Roberts, founder of Mornington Green, appeared on Studio 10 to talk about the entire concept of Legacy Trees and the memorial gardens. He elaborates that when someones ashes are treated with the Living Legacy formula, they are infused into the tree in order to create a beautiful way of honouring life at Mornington Green.
The tree you plant helps create a rich immersive garden experience. We plant advanced trees, between 1 and 2 metres tall. Planting a memorial tree can let you create a personal and fitting tribute. One of the nice parts of the process is choosing the right tree. Natives attract wildlife and create habitat while Europeans can bring colour to the world the same way they bought colour to ours.
Your purchase includes the ongoing exclusive right to for your ashes and Legacy Tree to be planted in your Legacy Garden area.
This right may include the option to permit other people’s ashes to be infused into your tree or into other Legacy Trees within your Legacy Garden area.
Each tree gets its own custom plaque.
Your memorial tree and plot is reserved for your tree in perpetuity and we will never sell another tree in your plot area.
However the markers and plaques provided are guaranteed only for their Natural Lifetime of the product and this guarantee does not extend to damage or loss resulting from environmental factors, force majeure or resulting from any mishandling by you or any of your invitees.
During this time we are not liable for maintenance and care for your marker or plaque.
You can select and plant a tree today that grows as part of your family history.
Your tree can be nourished with the micronutrients from your ashes later on.
Up to 8 additional family members can be added to the Legacy Tree making it a real family Tree.
The treated ashes of up to 4 people can nourish each Legacy Tree, with the LL Thrive formula being able to be infused into the soil at the base of the tree at different times.
In this way, you’re Living Legacy tree becomes a process heirloom passed down through generations.
Different sized trees can have larger volumes of ashes added per tree.
By adding multiple sets of ashes to a tree over time it can become a family tree.
Unlike human cemeteries where pets are not allowed to be interred your loyal pet can remain by your side with your own tree.
Untreated cremated remains are not helpful to tree growth, in fact independent laboratory tests showed 90% of seedlings died when planted directly in untreated cremated remains (ash).
The pH of untreated ash is 12 out of 14, most trees need a pH of about 6 to grow from soil. The pH scale is logarithmic to the scale of 10 which makes the pH of ash 1,000,000 (1 million) times too high for healthy growth.
The Living Legacy treatment shifts the composition of the ash to be able to create micronutrients and healthy soil which can exchange energy with the tree.
Biodegradable urns are exactly that, only the urn biodegrades, the cremated remains can remain in a toxic high pH state for many years harming the soil biology and tree health. At best a tree will grow around the untreated ashes which tends to form into a salty clump or rock, at worst the remains will actually harm or kill the tree and the soil biology that sustains life.
Biodegradable urns come in many forms. The most affordable biodegradable urns are simply made of cardboard and the higher end urns are made of ceramic. Although the urn may be biodegradable untreated cremated remains are not.
Independent laboratory tests showed 90% of trees planted in untreated cremated remains died from toxic shock.
You may have noticed that all over the world bones and cremated remains and bones are often found at ruin sites sometimes 1,000’s of years old. The idea of bio urns is that the ashes create a tree, the science shows that the roots will grow around or through the cremate remains and in many cases can harm the roots from the high pH and salinity levels.
Living Legacy Trees are unique in that the cremated remains are transformed into micronutrient elements small enough to be transported to tree roots using the LL Thrive formula. LL Thrive creates a living memorial and path for loved ones to connect to nature in your absence.
Take a light stroll through the gardens and admire the natural beauty of the Mornington Peninsula. Let your feet sink into the lush green grass - it’s the perfect place to bring the entire family.
You and your family can come and visit your tree throughout the year to watch it grow. Enjoy high tea or lunch at the Clubhouse, grab a hamper and have a picnic by your tree, or wander around the garden – we’re open all year round.
When choosing your tree, there are many options available to ensure you discover the perfect one to carry your legacy - from the strong noble English Oak to the beautiful Magnolia.
We are happy to answer any questions you have. Simply register your details below and we will get a Legacy Planner to give you a call you back to discuss your available options.